Association of Gynaecologic Oncologists of India

Dr. Jita Parija.

President, AGOI, 2024

My dear members of "AGOI Family",

I thank you all immensely from the core of my heart, for choosing me as your President for the term 2024-2026. I am indeed grateful to all of you for your trust and faith on me and for having granted me the responsibility to lead you as the President of the association. I also, congratulate all the members of the executive committee, who have been newly elected. They are the backbone of the executive committee. Their innovative and vibrant ideas, inputs, expertise and synergism, will drive us to set our goal of taking AGOI, to the next level. I would also like to congratulate the previous AGOI Executive committee members for their commendable work done in the previous year, which brought AGOI, name and fame.
AGOI has completed almost 33 years since its inception. Tremendous efforts by the Past Presidents, Secretaries, executive committee members and AGOI members have made AGOI strong, visible and laudable in the International Platform. Born as a small organization, AGOI has gained momentum in strengthening it’s membership to 1719 in numbers and ‘State Chapters’ to 11 in number. These State Chapters are the windows through which AGOI can drive it’s concept of Gynaecological Onco-Care, from Prevention to Early detection, thereby facilitating early referrals to Gynaecological Oncology Centres. Further, Gynaecological Onco-Care can be provided at the grassroot level in form of Vaccination for Primary Prevention and Palliation for terminally ill patients.
The Superspeciality of Gynaecological Oncology, which was previously merged with Surgical Oncology, now has an identity of it’s own, with the availability of Mch, DrNB, DNB and AGOI Fellowship courses. All this was possible by the sincere, persistent and extensive efforts of our Past Presidents and Secretaries.
As we grow in numbers, we are keen in bringing together our own Gyn-Oncologists to meet at National Conferences of AGOI and also share platform with Gyn-Oncologists of Foreign countries in International Conferences. This is important in updating our practice; exchanging ideas and looking at evidence-based medicine. AGOI is committed to train the untrained by conducting workshops in Preventive Oncology and Onco-surgery according to the ever-changing recent technology.
As regards Preventive Oncology, AGOI has marched forward to accomplish WHO Strategy for Global Eradication of Cancer Cervix by 2030; by taking a major step to introduce HPV Vaccination in India’s National Immunization Programme. which will be a great achievement in the very near future.
As regards Secondary Prevention and Early management of Gynaecological Cancers; HPV DNA Test, HPV Self Sampling, Cytology, Colposcopy, Pocket-Colposcopy, Spectroscopy, Artificial Intelligence are being amply done in Cancer Centres and even in General Hospitals and Medical Colleges.
AGOI’s goal to improve surgical skills of Gyn-Onco-surgeons is accomplished by conducting live, video or cadaveric workshops on open/ Laparoscopic/robotic, HIPEC, PIPAC procedures. These are conducted in different centres with National and International Faculties, mentoring the sessions. We are also planning a video library where surgical videos can be uploaded in AGOI Website and can be accessed by members of our association.
As we enter the futuristic era of Molecular Biology and Oncogenetics, we find that they play an important role today in tailoring targeted therapy and treatment of Gyn-Cancers in term of Descalation/Escalation. We would like to update our members in this direction through AGOI Newsletter, which we are likely to start.
Indian Journal of Gynaecological Oncology, is the most informative journal of AGOI, which holds a treasure of updated information, the articles of which are frequently downloaded and which has a very high impact factor. All this credit goes to the Editor and his team. I wish the Journal, a great success.
Our Association is rich in knowledgeable Mentors with tremendous surgical skill and many have represented AGOI as National and International Faculty. We are also active in social media through, AGOI – Whatsapp group, Twitter and Telegram. We are also planning a Whatsapp group for Trainees (Mch, DNB and AGOI Fellows), for mentoring purpose. We are having and will be conducting Masterclasses for Fellows and Trainees and of course YGOG Programmes.
We are also pushing the HPV Vaccination into the National Immunisation Programme, which we believe will happen in the near future. To make our dream come true, to grow stronger globally and to progress, we need to join hands and support each other; because the success of any program comes only with the support and co-operation of all it’s members.
  • Wishing you all, ‘Merry Christmas and A very Happy New Year’.
  • Long Live AGOI !
  • With best wishes,
  • Dr. Jita Parija.